Shipping Containers for Shops

Pop Up Shops using Shipping Containers

Using shipping containers as Pop Up Shops nowdays is becoming ever so popular.
You can fit them into a retail space into a large city, a Food Distribution Point or Pop Up Bar for a Special Event or a even a Pop Up Art Gallery.

Clients are always looking for Container Companies in London that will Convert Shipping Containers with a view to creating Pop Up Places.

Using the original container structure but customising it with custom options like, opening out the sides, place glazed units, shopfronts as well as additional doors, vinyl and cladding the exterior can be transformed.
The interior can be fitted out as would any conventional building with lining and insulation, electrical fittings and floor coverings. The finish is optional and we have vast experience in applying a range of options to create the desired effect, either as a stand- alone show stopper or incorporating company’s brand.

When compared with the cost of a building shipping container conversions can prove more cost effective. In addition they can be picked up and dropped off from location to location, are secure, and help make a brand stand out from the crowd. Fun yet functional one of our pop up creations could help you dip a toe into a new market with minimal outlay or draw in the crowds.