
Cargotecture Shipping Containers

Cargotecture is a method of using containers to build a system.
The term Cargotecture was founded in 2003 to describe a building built partially or in its entirety from recycled ISO shipping containers.

The benefits of creating Cargotectures are that they are relocatable, durable, secure and sustainable.

Shipping Containers are a fast building, low-cost, environmentally friendly building block for all things urban. You can easily stack them up or or group thousands into temporary markets or Pop Up Stores.
Designing with Containers reduces the cost of construction by about 20-40%.

With the Construction costs growing across the world, a lot of people are turning to container structures for alternative living spaces.
The number of empty, unused shipping containers round the world simply sitting on shipping docks absorbing rust and dust could be best used for living.
Part of the reason there are so many Shipping Containers about is the cost of returning empty shipping containers back to their origin.
In most cases, it’s simply cheaper to shop for new containers here in the UK.
Empty shipping containers are waiting to become a new home, an office, a trendy apartment, portable schools, studios, emergency shelters or even an onsite workshop.

We have our own team of designers who can help you create a temporary site or permanent structure.

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